Spring Pause

spring pause with red and blue background


10 a.m. – 1 p.m., March 26, 2025

Register on Trellis

Take a few minutes to plan out the rest of your fall semester and get ready for spring. Talk with a staff member or peer leader about how your semester is going, then work with them to figure how what you need. You will be able to connect with the departments and resources that can support your success or figure out your action plan.


Stop by to plan, or just pick up snacks and giveaways.

You will be able to connect with peers and staff to talk about:

Major exploration, basic needs, career and internships, connecting on campus, health, wellness and academic support.

With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations for this event such as ASL interpreting, wheelchair access, etc., please contact Student Success & Retention Innovation Staff at studentsuccess@arizona.edu